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Newark Diabetes Outreach

On a bright Saturday morning, Phi Delta Chi brothers set onwards to Newark, New Jersey to partner with Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield in a diabetes outreach event. The outreach was held at the JFK recreation center. Among the diabetes information table, there was also diabetic foot screenings, urine and blood screenings, eye exams, and diabetes specialists to answer any questions. Brothers were there helping with a table and interactive game to help educate the Newark population. Brothers asked patients to answer questions in our jeopardy style board game. Prizes were given to all patients that obtained the correct answer. To give them a little more information to take home with them, pamphlets were prepared that included signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and patient education on diabetes medications. The event was particularly beneficial as it targeted a different population that ordinarily does not have access to health care. It was rewarding and refreshing to see patients eager to engage with students and professionals.

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